Embracing Open Source
by Piergiorgio Lucidi
Embrace Open Source with the new Apache ComDev Framework
As mentioned in the previous post, Piergiorgio Lucidi our Chief Technology Evangelist and Digital Transformation Specialist was involved at the last OpenExpo Europe on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.
Piergiorgio worked with Ignasi Barrera and Luciano Resende (other Apache Members) keeping a session about how to build a healthy community and which challenges any project face going in Open Source:
Piergiorgio proposed to build a framework for approaching each topic in a smart way and for letting people to easily join the discussion but also to explain issues and how those can be solved.
Open Standards are the unique and smart way to approach this tricky task, embracing Open Source is going to be the natural way for each company to setup and build its own business model.
The main problem here is that there is no Open Source without a Community behind a project. Before starting to go in Open Source, a company should know how to approach its own path to be really Open and in a transparent way.
The framework consists of sharing the challenges and the proposed action plan for each topic, and the topics are:
Challenges projects face when going open source
Building a Community
Why Open Governance
The entire framework related to the Open Debate is freely available at the following Apache Wiki page:
This can be considered a simple guideline to everyone interested to in Open Source from scratch. Be aware that, depending on your core business, it can be improved focusing on specific needs.
Piergiorgio and the other Apache Members received a lot of feedback and questions about this topic during and after the debate. This is currently a hot topic in the enterprise context and we are absolutely sure that InnerSource could be a real and strategic answer to this challenge.
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